
How to Succeed with Network Marketing – A Step by Step Guide
for Network Marketers

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We all have heard the crazy success stories of network marketers making $100,000 or more. But we don’t often see them willing to share what they did to make it a reality.

In this article, I will go over what it takes to become a successful network marketer and succeed with network marketing in the first place.

Positioning is EVERYTHING – Do Not Chase Down Your Family or Friends to Get Sales

You know that awkward feeling you have when you start talking to your buddy about your vitamin business? Well, if you were ever part of an auto-shop program, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Lol

It doesn’t really matter how great the products are in your network marketing business. If you are approaching people who are not interested in your business opportunity or products, you’re wasting your time. So STOP wasting your time.

What do you do though? I’m glad you asked my friend… Let’s talk about positioning. This will primarily be accomplished through social media influencing. You want to get people to buy your products or join your network marketing business opportunity by their own choice.

Create a Facebook Group and Do Weekly Live Hangouts

This is where the power of positioning comes into play, my friend. Creating content inside a Facebook group gives you authority. So you aren’t spending time reaching out to people and trying to pitch them on your network marketing opportunity.

Instead, you are creating content and giving tips and tricks on using your products or services that your opportunity provides. Doing a weekly Q&A or creating videos and uploading them to your Facebook group will get people approaching you for more information.

Wouldn’t that be an awesome experience? Rather than trying to message people all day, just have them approach you by choice. Pretty cool, right?

Start a YouTube Channel and Create Informative Videos

YouTube is a powerful platform. People watch videos on this platform literally all day long. They are hooked by the content and love consuming it.

So create content related to your network marketing opportunity and upload at least 1 or 2 videos per week. You’ll want to research the products in your company so you know what you’re talking about.

Make sure to do some keyword research so you know what people are looking for. If your opportunity is selling vitamins, then you’ll want to have videos related to those keywords. You can easily optimize your content for these keywords.

This is where search traffic comes into play and it is a wonderful thing, my friend. Imagine having people join your network marketing program without you even talking to them. It can happen!

You’ll be able to put your links in the description of your videos and people can simply join if they like what they see in your YouTube video.

Focus On a Unique Selling Proposition – Don’t Use the Company Pages

The biggest mistake you could make when promoting your network marketing program is using the materials they provide. Sure, they will tell you to do it. But people join business’s because they like the person involved in it.

So you’ll want to think of your own angle. For example, with the vitamin product. You could create a sales funnel that consists of a video bridge page and email series.

This video will target people in the health and fitness niche around a fad diet or something like that. You want to hide in plain sight. So your video will be about how the vitamins help you recover faster when bodybuilding.

That is an angle that can get people interested. So you can create a video around the different ways to recover from a hard bodybuilding session and how your vitamin product will help with that.

They will have to join your network marketing opportunity program to get access to these special vitamins. It’s a great way to succeed with network marketing.

Create Binge-Worthy Content – People Want What They Want NOW!

Today, people have very limited attention spans. So if you create videos or content that can be consumed in less than 3 to 5 minutes, you’ll stand a better chance of getting them to join your network marketing program.

Have you ever experience the black hole of YouTube? You know, the fact that you just can’t stop watching videos. Lol

That’s the POWER of creating content that is binge-worthy. You can simply type in keywords related to your products and see which videos have the most views. Then you can model after these videos to ride the wave.

By the way, do you want to start your own dream business for $1 buck, then watch this video.

Hope you got some great tips from this article on network marketing success.
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